Английский язык (Enjoy English) 5 класс Рабочая тетрадь Биболетова


Описание учебника

Рабочая тетрадь является составной частью учебно-методического комплекта “Английский с удовольствием” для 5-го класса общеобразовательных учреждений, в которых английский язык изучается со 2-го класса по федеральному государственному образовательному стандарту второго поколения. Основное назначение рабочей тетради — закрепить языковой и речевой материал учебника, автоматизировать лексико-грамматические навыки, развивать умения учащихся в чтении и письменной речи. Широкий спектр разнообразных заданий, требующих от учащихся творческого отношения при их выполнении, в том числе наличие заданий повышенной трудности, занимательных кроссвордов и прочих заданий, позволяет реализовать личностно-ориентированный подход при работе с учащимися с разным уровнем подготовки и с разными интересами. В тетрадь включены типы заданий, часто используемые в итоговой аттестации, что готовит учащихся к объективному контролю и самоконтролю в процессе изучения английского языка.

Выдержка из книги

Read the words. Find and circle 6 words with the sound [о].
three, mother, thank, Thursday, third, with, mouth, bathroom, neither, healthy, think, something, this, thin, truth, Ьirthday, sunbathe, gather, Maths.
Read the names of the subjects. Write them down in two columns.
РЕ, English Language, Maths, Information Technology, Art, Science, History, Drama, Russian Literature, French, Drawing, German, Geography.
Make up а dialogue. Number the sentences in the correct order.
– l’m in the fourth form. And you?
– It’s OK. All students wear uniform in our school. What about you? О – What form are you in?
– Oh, in some Russian schools students wear it. But we don’t.
– Are there any new subjects in your?,
– I’m in the fifth form. 1 see you are in а uniform. Do you like it? О – У es, there are some.


Unit 1 Hello! Nice to see you again! 4
Section 1 Talking about the first day at school 4
Section 2 I wish I were in Russia 6
Section 3 Talking about the summer holidays 8
Section 4 Talking about places of interest 10
Section 5 Talking about school clubs 11
Section 6 Creating rules for students and teachers 14
Section 7 What do you know about British schools? 16
Section 8 Reading for pleasure 18
Project “Welcome to our school website” 21
Test yourself 1 (Sections 1-3) 22
Test yourself 2 (Sections 4-6) 24
Unit 2 We are going to travel to London 26
Section 1 Welcome to East Square London School! 26
Section 2 What are you going to do? 29
Section 3 Creating a school album for British friends 32
Section 4 What are you doing for the winter holidays? .34
Section 5 Reading for pleasure 36
Project “New Year celebration” 43
Test yourself 3 (Sections 1-2) 44
Test yourself 4 (Sections 3-4) 46
Unit-3 Faces of London 48
Section 1 What places of interest would you like to see? 48
Section 2 Discovering places of interest 51
Section 3 Excuse me, can you…? 53
Section 4 Just for fun 56
Section 5 Have you ever walked in London’s parks? 58
Section 6 I’d like to invite you to a party 61
Section 7 Talking about famous people 64
Section 8 Reading for pleasure 67
Project “Welcome to our town” 72
Test yourself 5 (Sections 1-3) 74
Test yourself 6 (Sections 4-6) 76
Unit 4 Learning more about each other 78
Section 1 May I ask you a question? 78
Section 2 Getting on well with the family 80
Section 3 You have got a pet, haven’t you? 81
Section 4 Do we have the same hobbies? 83
Section 5 What are you going to be? 86
Section 6 Reading for pleasure 88
Project “Let’s act out the story!” 90
Test yourself 7 (Sections 1-2) 91
Test yourself 8 (Sections 3-5) 93