Описание учебника
Рабочая тетрадь. Рабочая тетрадь является неотъемлемой частью учебно-методического комплекта по английскому языку. Она соотносится с материалом Учебника, содержит упражнения, предназначенные для усвоения и закрепления изученного материала. В конце Рабочей тетради представлен раздел «Проверь себя», включающий тесты для контроля лексико-грамматических навыков и умений в четырех видах речевой деятельности.
Выдержка из книги
Read the text and answer the questions.
Robin Hood was a famous hero. He lived in the forests in England. Robin Hood fought against cruel people. He took money from cruel rich people and gave it to kind poor people. Not all people were happy with it. The Sheriff tried to arrest Robin Hood but couldn’t do it. At last the Sheriff decided to organize a shooting competition where he could arrest Robin Hood. He knew that Robin Hood could shoot well. On the day of competition the Sheriff looked for Robin Hood everywhere but didn’t see him. Suddenly a man in red came to the village. He didn’t look like Robin Hood. He was a stranger in the town. The man won the competition and got the prize. In the end of the competition the idea came to him. He shot an arrow into the Sheriff’s open window. There
1 Family Stories 3
2 The School World 16
3 Meet Great Britain and New Zealand 26
4 Healthy Lifestyle 44
5 Around the USA 52
6 Your Free Time 65
7 Holidays to Enjoy 77
Test Yourself 87
How to Do Rebuses 102