Английский язык 3 класс Контрольные и проверочные работы к учебнику Верещагиной Притыкиной – Комиссаров


Описание учебника

Сборник контрольных и проверочных работ адресован учащимся 3 классов общеобразовательных организаций и школ с углублённым изучением английского языка. Пособие содержит контрольные и проверочные работы в двух вариантах, направленные на проверку знаний школьников в области лексики и грамматики. В книге даны материалы для проведения текущего и итогового контроля знаний учащихся. Специально для учителей в конце сборника приведены ключи к заданиям.

Выдержка из книги

My brother and I enjoy living in the country, and we always go to our grandparents in summer. They live and work on a farm, they are farmers. They live in a big house. There is a garden near the house. They grow different plants in their garden.
The nature is very beautiful there. Not far from the house there is a big lake. There is a lot of fish there. There are large fields and green hills where they live. There is also a forest. The fields are full of flowers and berries. There are a lot of mushrooms in the forest. Different animals and birds live there. And my grandparents know very much about the plants and animals there.
In summer we like to swim in the lake, bike in the fields and just walk. Sometimes we go there in winter. There is usually a lot of snow and we skate and ski. We like the place where our grandmother and grandfather live.
1. Do the children go to the country?
2. To whom do they always go there in summer?
3. Do they always go there in winter?
4. Is their grandparents’ house big? 5. What do their grandparents do?
6. Is there a river near the house?
7. Are there any hills there?
8. What can you see in the forest?
9. What do the children usually do there in winter?
10. Do they enjoy living in the country?


Test One (Lessons 14-28)
Variant 1 4
Variant 2 7
Test Two (Lessons 29-36)
Variant 1 10
Variant 2 13
Test Three (Lessons 37-51)
Variant 1 16
Variant 2 19
Test Four (Lessons 52-66)
Variant 1 22
Variant 2 25
Test Five (Lessons 67-79)
Variant 1 28
Variant 2 31
Test Six (Lessons 80-90)
Variant 1 34
Variant 2 36
Final Test
Variant 1 38
Variant 2 41
Keys 44

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