Английский язык X класс Учебник для школ с углубленным изучением англ. яз. Афанасьева, Михеева


Описание учебника

Учебно-методический комплект для X класса школ с углубленным изучением английского языка, лицеев, гимназий, колледжей авторов О.В. Афанасьевой и И.В. Михеевой состоит из:
– учебника
– книги для чтения
– книги для учителя
– рабочей тетради.
Все компоненты этой серии соответствуют требованиям государственных образовательных стандартов и действующих школьных программ.

Выдержка из книги

1. Are you interested in art? What art in particular? 2. Painting and sculpture are visual arts, aren’t they? Which of them do you think is more exciting for you? 3. What world-famous artists do you know? like? 4. Who is your favourite painter? Why? 5. Which of the two genres — portrait or landscape painting — attracts you more? Do you know any well-known portraitists? landscapists? 6. Many artists produced pictures of scenes at sea. Can you say that Aivazovsky was a famous Russian seascapist? Do you know any names of his pictures? 7. Do you know any British museums? 8. Do you ever go to picture galleries and art museums? Which galleries/museums? What important picture galleries and art museums do you know in Russia and abroad? 9. Where can we see sculptures? Where are they usually placed and why? 10. Do you think photography can be called a visual art? Why? Why not? ll. Have you ever tried your hand at any of these three arts — painting, sculpture and photography? How successful were you?


UNIT ONE. Man the Creator
Listening Comprehension
Use of English Vocabulary
Grammar. Revision: Pronoun
New Material: Pronoun “One” Revision: Noun New Material: Noun
Topical Vocabulary Creative Writing: Writing a Description Miscellaneous Project Work
UNIT TWO. Man the Believer
Listening Comprehension
Use of English Vocabulary
Grammar. Revision:
Adverbs and Adjectives
New Material: Adjectives New Material: Adverbs
Topical Vocabulary Creative Writing Miscellaneous Project Work
UNIT THREE. Man – the Child of Nature
Listening Comprehension
Use of English
Grammar. Revision: Verb (finite forms)
New Material:
Verbs with two objects
New Material: Ergative verbs
Topical Vocabulary Creative Writing: Narrations (Narratives) Miscellaneous Project Work
UNIT FOUR. Man – the Seeker of Happiness
Listening Comprehension Reading Use of English Vocabulary
Revision: Verb (non-finite forms)
New Material:
Phrases with the infinitive
New Material:
Structures with have+V or Ving
Topical Vocabulary Creative Writing Miscellaneous Project Work
Grammar Reference Topical Vocabulary English-Russian Vocabulary.

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